Telling Your Story: The cornerstone of networking

January 17, 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

We all know people who want to assist us in our careers and many of them will feel uncomfortable because they assume that the only way they can help us is to provide a job or a lead to a job, things they do not have.  This is where our introduction (often referred to as a pitch) comes in.  When we reach out to people, we have an opportunity to give them more ideas of what we need and how they might assist.


In this talk and workshop career coach Win Sheffield will guide you in the practicalities of introducing yourself to friends, colleagues and interviewers so they can understand what you are and want to be known for, what you need and why you are what they need.


You will learn how to:

* Identify the message you want to deliver

* Engage contacts so they remain engaged in your campaign

* Distinguish yourself from others with similar backgrounds.


Participants are encouraged to brush off old pitches and share what they need and want to be known for in the session.  Please see: for a preview.


This will be an online event.  Registration will be enabled closer to the event.


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