Updated on July 17, 2019
Seminar in Making a Powerful Resume
July 24, 2019
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Our resume needs to convey our value and our ambition and it needs to do it in seconds. Join coach Win Sheffield to learn how to convey your power in your resume so that your audiences will know what you stand for and the value you can provide to them and to do it almost instantly. In this talk we will learn
* What the resume is and what it can do (and what in cannot)
* How to position yourself for the job you want
* The importance of distinguishing yourself from your competition
* How to develop a resume that is flexible and requires minimal ongoing effort
For a preview of this topic please listen to 5 minute podcasts at www.bit.ly/TPOY-Resume
Location: SIBL Library 188 Madison Avenue (34th St)
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