The Power of You: Where You have Given Up Your Power in the Marketplace and How to Recover it

February 8, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

For many of us (maybe most) our experience in the job market runs from unfamiliar to demoralizing.  Our approach to the market makes sense based on what we know and have heard.  We are acting in good faith.  It turns out, though, that some of what we know can work against our success and that some assumptions we make undermine our good efforts.


Join coach Win Sheffield to learn about where we have more control than we imagine and some of the ways we can change our approach to the job market and increase our successes.  Learn:

* How to develop a network that builds and promotes you in the job market

* How to turn the interviewer from antagonist to partner

* The importance to employers of your needs in the job market

* To throw out your pitch and tell your story


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