The Power of You: Why what you want in your career is important and what to do to get it

May 19, 2016
6:45 pm - 8:15 pm

Based on what we see in ads, it is easy to assume that to get a job we have to become something that we do not want to be.  And so, we end up searching for something we do not want and will be unhappy in should we get it.

Career coach Win Sheffield will address how to turn this situation around by dispelling some common misconceptions about the job market and providing practical approaches to developing an effective job campaign.  The seminar will cover:

– Seeing the job market from the employer’s point of view

– Managing a job campaign that explores multiple targets

– Approaching your network without a fixed idea of your direction


1157 Lexington Avenue (79th-80th St) Go through the garden and enter through the glass doors
No Reservations necessary


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