Archives: Events

Resume Critique Panel

February 16, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Join a group of Coaching, Recruiting and Human Resources professionals who will be available to review resumes. In addition to reviewing individual resumes, all participants will be able to listen to the comments made to others for incorporating in their own resumes. Free

Networking Meetings: What do you say to the people you are meeting and why would you want to meet with them in the first place?

February 4, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm – By hard work or luck you book a meeting with someone who could potentially help you in your job campaign. Now all you need is to know what to say to maximize the potential of the meeting and not feel like you are wasting their time. Join coach Win Sheffield and learn to: Approach contacts […]

Get your resume read – Lead with your accomplishments

January 24, 2016 @ 12:00 am – 12:45 am – Our resumes have 10 seconds to catch our reader’s attention and not much longer than that to make a strong impression. What is essential? Where do I begin? Join coach Win Sheffield for this workshop to learn how best to convey your value. After this seminar, you will know how to: Focus your accomplishments to […]

(Lunchtime Talk) How to Handle Difficult Interview Questions

January 20, 2016 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Handle difficult interview questions by sharing your accomplishments: What will you be doing in five years? Tell me about your worst boss. What is your biggest weakness? What would your colleagues say about your leadership? What sets you apart from others? “Behavioral” interview questions. These and other queries strike terror in the hearts of interviewees […]

Get your resume read – Lead with your accomplishments

January 2, 2016 @ 12:00 am – 12:15 am – Our resumes have 10 seconds to catch our reader’s attention and not much longer than that to make a strong impression. What is essential? Where do I begin? Join coach Win Sheffield for this workshop to learn how best to convey your value. After this seminar, you will know how to: Focus your accomplishments to […]