Handle difficult interview questions by sharing your accomplishments

February 15, 2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

* What will you be doing in five years?

* Tell me about your worst boss.

* What is your biggest weakness?

* What would your colleagues say about your leadership?

* What sets you apart from others?

* “Behavioral” interview questions.

These and other queries strike terror in the hearts of interviewees everywhere. But they do not need to. Career coach Win Sheffield believes that by being well grounded in your accomplishments and with a bit of good technique, you can turn any question an interviewer asks to your advantage.

Microcasts to listen to on this topic: TPOY021, TPOY025, TPOY024, TPOY043, TPOY055, TPOY068, TPOY069, TPOY050


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